surveyou!, a new passion project for and by researchers

Our researchers are encouraged to start their own passion projects, or BOI Labs as we call them. Last year saw the rise of a new BOI Labs grown out of necessity. What started as a search for a quality alternative for existing online panels in Indonesia has become a fully functional BOI Labs project: surveyou! Surveyou! is an online access panel developed by researchers for researchers

BOI Labs is the playground we created for our research executives. We strongly encourage research executives here to be creative and try new things, and one thing that is not offered in many other workplaces is the opportunity to be bold.

Before surveyou!, in 2022, another BOI Labs was ready to launch: Kawula17. Among other things, Kawula17 does research among young Indonesians on a variety of social and political issues. Also, it provides the first Voting Advice Application (VAA) in Indonesia, designed to help people understand their political preferences better. Kawula17’s demand for fast, national-wide, and representative research was and is high. However, the often-used method of face-to-face quantitative research in Indonesia was considered too laborious and slow. So out of necessity, the search for an alternative solution started.

Market research in Indonesia still heavily relies on face-to-face research for its quantitative research needs. While much is to be said for this approach, it has limitations. First and foremost is that it is done, more often than not, via multistage random sampling. For those unfamiliar with this sampling method, it starts with selecting a limited number of cities or regencies in Indonesia. Then, within each of those, a limited number of random neighborhoods are selected. And there, face-to-face interviews will be conducted from door to door. As such, it’s practical and pretty robust, and more often than not, it produces valuable results.

However, the limitation starts with selecting cities or regencies; it’s almost always the same places: Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Medan, Palembang, Balikpapan, and Makassar. Or variations on these with 1 or 2 other cities thrown into the mix. This approach makes research often very city-oriented, while at the same time forgoing many provinces, cities, and rural areas.

The need to do fast, national-wide, and representative research for Kawula17 led to the development of surveyou! With surveyou!, the BOI Labs of Yoan Disty, the city-centric mold for many research projects can be broken up.

The new online access panel has been developed into an alternative platform to improve quantitative research. Surveyou! ensures access to high-quality samples made by researchers for researchers, even for the most challenging research projects outside the beaten path. Whether it’s research in seldom visited provinces or genuine rural-urban research, surveyou! can handle it.

Yoan Disty has been the researcher developing and improving surveyou! Since 2022, she has diligently worked on recruiting respondents, ensuring representation from all over Indonesia for national projects, and keeping costs for operations in check. With multiple research projects completed for BOI, the University of Indonesia, eFishery, and other clients, surveyou! is ready to scale up. So this year we’re going role out surveyou to our current and new clients!

Interesting to read a bit more? Check out surveyou!

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